Journeys in Fantasium

Working Out While Traveling

When you’re on the trip of a lifetime or on an exciting vacation with friends it can be easy to neglect physical exercise, especially when you think about the time needed to work out - who wants to spend an hour exercising when you can swim in the ocean or explore a new city?

We totally get that and agree with it. However, when you start to travel more extensively and more often, you might find yourself longing for some physical release for your mental health, your well being, your image, or just to feel good about yourself. Motivation is just the first piece of the puzzle - the next is knowing what workouts you can do with limited equipment and space. Not to fear! We’ve compiled several ideas and workouts that you can utilize during your next travel session.

*Disclaimer: Not all of these exercise options are appropriate for everyone. If you’re unsure of your abilities take it slow, and don’t be afraid to stop if you feel pain or discomfort. Consult your physician if you’re unsure of your physical limitations.



Before we go too far, there’s something we need to come to terms with. If you’re a person who is used to a structured, consistent workout regimen, you’ll most likely have to get used to ruining that hard earned habit. When you’re out in the world there are just so many things to do, people to meet, places to see, that you simply won’t have the time or desire to workout like you might at home. And that’s ok! Your priorities are different at this point in your life, and it’s important to accept that and not beat yourself up if you aren’t getting your exercise in like you might have in the past.

Because of that lack of time and change in priorities, one of the best ways to get your exercise in is to build it into the activities that you can do in your area of travel. Hiking, biking, climbing, swimming, snorkeling - these are all examples of fun activities you can do with other people. They allow you to get out and explore the place you are visiting, and don’t require the forced time commitment that more structured exercise entails. Team sports are also a great option - football, basketball, frisbee, etc.


Yoga is one of our favorite exercises to do at any time, but it’s especially valuable when traveling. Most yoga sequences require no equipment, and can be done in any place, with any time constraint. A few rounds of Sun Salutations are a great way to start, continue, or end your day. Short sequences like this one are super easy to memorize and are great for airport layovers, drives, or cramped lodging spaces. You can also take on the poses one at a time for a quick stretch during some downtime.

Another beautiful thing about yoga is the number of classes and sequences that are available online for free. There are tons of great options out there, but our favorite is Do Yoga With Me. They have lots of free yoga videos, the ability to download videos for offline viewing, and an offering that expands beyond simply Hatha Yoga - meditation, Yin Yoga, Tai Chi, and more are all available there. Oh, and the instructors are the best. You really start to feel like they are your own personal yoga teacher!

Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a great alternative when you don’t have any equipment available. If you’re used to lifting with standard gym equipment you don’t get the mass gain that you might be used to from going to the gym, but don’t underestimate these exercises. They are great for a quick cardio session and do a phenomenal job of toning your muscles. When you’re traveling the main reason for a workout is to make it look like you’re in good shape anyways, right? A short (30 mins - 1 hr) bodyweight session will scratch that itch and keep you looking good. We suggest using the Fitbod app - you have to pay monthly or yearly (right now during COVID the bodyweight exercises are free) but it’s totally worth it. They generate awesome exercise plans in an instant, and they are super challenging. They require little space and again are perfect for hostel, beach, road trip, or airport workouts.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

I would be remiss to neglect High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as a part of this post. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, HIIT is an exercise plan that works to increase your heart rate and your body’s activity sharply and aggressively, offering a short break, then jumping right back into the exercise. You repeat this process until the exercise session is done. HIIT has gained immense popularity in the fitness world over the last few years, and for good reason. It’s been shown to be one of the most effective ways to not only exercise, but to train for athletic events and activities. One really nice thing about HIIT sessions is that you can get an amazing workout in as little as 15 minutes. Oh, and did I mention it can be done with absolutely zero equipment?

We love to use Fitness Blender for our HIIT sessions. You can filter your equipment, time, and more. The instructors are great too!


Ahhh running…we have a love/hate relationship with running. It’s an amazing cardio workout and something that you can do pretty much anywhere and in a short amount of time. After a good run you definitely feel amazing, but sometimes during the run it’s so tempting to just stop - it’s not only a physical exercise but a willpower exercise as well!

That being said, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get a nice cardio workout in, look no further. Before you depart make sure you get a pair of shoes that is multipurpose and can withstand the rigors of running - the stability of the shoe is important to protect your joints as well. Take into account your route and the area you’ll be running in as well. Always run during the day, leave the headphones at home if needed, and enlist a running buddy for extra safety.

Jumping Rope

For the longest time jumping rope was seen in my mind as the activity that my gym teachers made me do before class started. After high school I never gave it a second thought until I picked up a jump rope at some point as an adult, and only one thought came to my mind - this shit is hard. Jumping rope is a full body workout, getting your legs and arms all involved in the process. The amazing thing about a jumprope is that it’s compact; you can easily fit a high quality jumprope in your travel bag. Having a jump rope instantly increases your options for cardio and muscular workouts. Find a nice rope and stuff it in your bag on your next trip - you won’t regret it! Protip - get into doing some double unders. This exercise will challenge you much more!

Resistance Bands

Like a jumprope, resistance bands are nice because they take up very little space. They are incredibly versatile - one band can be used for dozens of different exercises and can easily hit all of the muscle groups. Bring your band to a park, use it in your hostel or on your road trips. There are lots of different resistance levels for bands, so either get a set of them or make sure you get one that matches your strength level and your fitness needs. The Fitbod app has lots of resistance band exercises built in, and you can find a countless number of them available online if you need inspiration.

Getting Creative

Lots of times these options may not be available. If you really want to get in some exercise while you’re traveling, you might have to get creative. Talk to your friends / locals in the area and ask them what they do. Attend group yoga or fitness classes (if they ever start up again). If you’re in a time crunch, find a way to integrate your workout in with your day - do sun salutations in the morning before you leave, use everyday objects for lifting, take the stairs, run to and from work.

It’s up to you to decide how important your workout is for you and how far you’ll go to get it in. On that same note, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get around to it. It’s the trip of a lifetime - you have the right to ignore this article and your workout plan completely and just enjoy your time away as much as possible!